Lead Computer Trainer
Bukavu Center
Synergy of Congolese Women's Associations
Clementine was the first Maman Shujaa member to join the staff. She was first hired as an office cleaner, and began learning computer skills and advocacy. It soon became apparent that she was not only very passionate, but very capable. Clementine has now been an integral part of the Media Center staff since 2014.
Clementine achieved her Bachelor’s Degree in Economics in 2013. She has played many roles at the organization with excellence. When SAFECO opened its public cyber cafe in 2015, Clementine was put in charge of its operations. She managed it successfully until the end of 2017, when the cyber cafe closed due to increased availability of data and decreased demand for computer access from the general public.
She is now our lead computer trainer in the Maman Shujaa Media Center.