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Writer's pictureHero Women Rising

Neema Activity Report - Itombwe

Updated: Nov 15, 2021

Neema met formerly with Colonel Blaise of FARDC, about SAFECO activities, accompanied by Masoso Antoinette. Neema then had a long meeting with the Bourgoumestre of the Rural Municipality of Minembwe. On her return to FARDC base, Neema welcomed the chief of Kahwera, Pastors Victor, Muparo and other authorities and personalities and many women.

The need expressed by the leaders of Itombwe is for the population to return to their places of origin. Neema reassured them of her determination to support them, especially by seeking donors for the reconstruction of our devastated and destroyed villages, and a drinking water supply system. Neema told the Itombwe displaced population that when they decide to return to their villages, she too will re-establish SAFECO’s Itombwe Center, the school, and rehabilitate the Guest house, to accommodate the displaced as much as possible while they build their own houses.

Neema suggested they return and build together to create a synergy for labor and material, rather than re-building here and there.

She agreed with these visitors to join the entire population of Itombwe again on Sunday 11/28/2020 to study with them the possible strategies that can secure the populations return to their villages. in the event that this primordial and essential need for the lives of Itombwe nationals is put into effect (return to the original villages).

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